In The Road So Far, Hunters are typical humans who, unlike others, believe in supernatural beings and they fight against them to protect “normal” people from harm. With so many different types of creatures in the world, Hunters have to be knowledgeable about mythology and urban legends. They are smart, resourceful, and ready to take on anything that comes their way. Oftentimes, Hunters have to operate just on the outside of the law, as man’s laws don’t usually account for the supernatural!
Hunters are proficient in weapons, hand-to-hand combat, are proficient trackers, and have good instincts.
The Group – Hunters – has 4 members. Collect 2 or more of Ellen, Jo, Ash, or Rufus and you can claim the group marker. There are others in the game that are hunters, but these are the four that have been assigned to the Hunters Group.
Mayhem cards from the base game that can add to the Hunters group are: Missouri and Pamela.
As one of the smaller groups, it’s fairly easy to claim (and keep) this group marker.