The Road So Far Card Game
A quick play, family friendly card game.
Take the Impala out around the country to collect groups – Angels, Demons, Hunters, Allies, Family, and two brothers. The player with the majority of groups at the end of the road wins. The Road So Far is a casual card game for 2-4 players.

The Road So Far is a card game for 2-4 players; recommended 8 and up. Players take turns as “driver” of the Impala “travelling” on the board to collect character cards. Once the majority of a group is collected, “mayhem” ensues. Play continues until the Impala can no longer move. At that time, the player that has the majority of group markers wins the game.

For a limited time The Road So Far has a Bundle Special that includes the Base Game, Monsters & Mayhem Expansion, one 3D printed Impala, one BONUS Decal and BONUS Promo Cards (Soulless Sam, Demon Dean, Dr. Sexy, and Fish Taco). (*Please note the play mat in the photo is not included in this bundle.) Complete Rules are HERE